Archive for November, 2011

Ordinary With No Special Training – Sounds Familiar!

While reading in Acts today, there was a line that really stuck out in the story of when Peter and John were arrested and jailed. Look at Acts 4:13:


“The members of the council were amazed when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, for they could see that they were ordinary men who had had no special training.”

Remind you of anybody? I’ve grown up wondering why God chose me to lead anyone or anything. I am ordinary. I have no special training. Yet, I continue to find myself talking about God or leading worship.

I wonder how many more feel the way I do.

Look at how many were converted as a result of Peter’s ability (willingness?) to be used by God to heal the beggar at the gate. Five thousand were added that day, not including women and children!

This could be happening today. This SHOULD be happening today. But the cost is great. I wonder how many would be willing to be unfairly jailed for boldly teaching about Jesus.

I find myself wondering what could be done if I would be willing to risk it all – mocking, back-biting, prison, death? I wonder what could happen if more would be willing to be bold for Christ and speak openly about what God has done for us!

Help us, Lord.

Help me, Lord.


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