Posts Tagged inspirational videos

Logan’s Calf – God Understands…

Jesus’ Face - God UnderstandsIsn’t it amazing how God’s timing works?

Just last night, I got a phone call from my nine-year-old daughter. She was crying so hard I could barely understand what she was saying. After I got her to calm down just a bit, she explained between sobs that Joybelle, her beloved dwarf hamster, was acting very strange and wouldn’t let her pick her up.

As a huge lover of animals, especially small rodents, my daughter is no stranger to the death of a pet. She feared the worst and just needed to talk to me about it.

I thought about what to tell her – what word would give her comfort. I prayed with her over the phone – for Joybell, for peace, for comfort. That helped, but I could tell that she was only partially comforted.

Then, the questions: Why can’t God heal Joybelle and let her live? Doesn’t He know how special Joybelle is to me?

The conversation ran through my thoughts all evening. Lately, I’ve been in this place where I’ve been asking similar questions. God, are you there? Is there something I’m doing that causes this feeling of separation? Are you even hearing my prayers?

Well – as only God can do, God answered both my prayers and my daughters this morning. I received an email from a friend with a link that said only: Logan’s Calf.

That was it.

No further description.

I had no idea.

So, I clicked on it and this is what I saw:

The wisdom from this young man is a tribute to his parents’ teaching. I struggled for the right words to tell my daughter but Logan’s words echo through my thoughts:

“…it’s so important…just remember when you loose a loved one or a pet…always remember that God gave His son, too…and He understands…He will always understand…just run to Him.” – Logan

He understands…


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