Posts Tagged love

Matthew 22 – The Greatest Commandment

Maybe it’s just me, but I love to read where Jesus shuts down the Pharisees. It’s just because of how their only goal is to silence or embarrass Jesus. It always backfires on them.

Here’s how it went in chapter 22:

34Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. 35One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question:

36″Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37Jesus replied: ” ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Makes it pretty simple, no?

If we’re loving our heavenly Father with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, then the rest comes naturally. We’ll be motivated to obey, inspired to share and honored to follow Him anywhere He may lead.

I will meditate on this today.



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Love Lessons – Hosea 2

Gomer has been found guilty and judged.

The Northern kingdom of Israel had been given many warnings, but God (through Hosea & his wife) is telling Israel how it is to be.

The first part of this chapter speaks of terrible judgement. But, look at the beauty of the second part. The restoration with God is an awesome thing.

I’m so thankful that God loves me enough to not just let me go off on my own, living for my own selfish desires. He indeed knows what is best for me and is molding me into a likeness of Him.

Now, a particular verse caught my attention:

7 When she runs after her lovers, she won’t be able to catch up with them. She will search for them but not find them. Then she will think, ‘I might as well return to my husband because I was better off with him than I am now.’

Is that any kind of motivation to be restored? If you were Hosea and your wife decided to come back only because it was better than the rejection she was experiencing now? Kinda like a consolation prize. Well, this really opened up my eyes to how God must feel. How many times have I gone out on my own and tried things my way, only to find out I was in trouble after a while. So, I turned back to God because it was at least better than the place I had found myself in. Some call it fox-hole Christianity.

How much greater and deeper is God’s love than this? How sweet is the fellowship between us when I seek Him intentionally – no matter what. How richer is my life for having desired His presence in my life when things are good!

If you can imagine how it would make you feel to have a wife tell you that she is so in love with you, just the way you are and that no other could make her feel as content and satisfied…then perhaps you can see how God must feel when we tell that to Him with our actions and our desires.

I love You, Lord!


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Forever Love – Psalms 136

As you read Psalms 136, you can’t help but notice the repeating of the phrase “His love endures forever.” There are 26 verses in this chapter and each one ends this way.

Unlike many Psalms, I can kind of see how this one fits to a song – as the Psalms were intended to be used. Yet, reading it without the musical context, the emphasis on this phrase had an impact on me. Here are the first three verses:

1 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. 2 Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever. 3 Give thanks to the Lord of lords: His love endures forever.

Kinda reminds you of the song we sing in our churches called “His love endures forever,” doesn’t it?

I’m thankful for this reminder today of God’s greatness, His provision, His power and majesty. But I’m especially thankful for His love, without which I would be lost.

Thank You for your forever love, Father.

grace & peace,

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Logan’s Calf – God Understands…

Jesus’ Face - God UnderstandsIsn’t it amazing how God’s timing works?

Just last night, I got a phone call from my nine-year-old daughter. She was crying so hard I could barely understand what she was saying. After I got her to calm down just a bit, she explained between sobs that Joybelle, her beloved dwarf hamster, was acting very strange and wouldn’t let her pick her up.

As a huge lover of animals, especially small rodents, my daughter is no stranger to the death of a pet. She feared the worst and just needed to talk to me about it.

I thought about what to tell her – what word would give her comfort. I prayed with her over the phone – for Joybell, for peace, for comfort. That helped, but I could tell that she was only partially comforted.

Then, the questions: Why can’t God heal Joybelle and let her live? Doesn’t He know how special Joybelle is to me?

The conversation ran through my thoughts all evening. Lately, I’ve been in this place where I’ve been asking similar questions. God, are you there? Is there something I’m doing that causes this feeling of separation? Are you even hearing my prayers?

Well – as only God can do, God answered both my prayers and my daughters this morning. I received an email from a friend with a link that said only: Logan’s Calf.

That was it.

No further description.

I had no idea.

So, I clicked on it and this is what I saw:

The wisdom from this young man is a tribute to his parents’ teaching. I struggled for the right words to tell my daughter but Logan’s words echo through my thoughts:

“…it’s so important…just remember when you loose a loved one or a pet…always remember that God gave His son, too…and He understands…He will always understand…just run to Him.” – Logan

He understands…


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